Backtesting Mentor - PineScript

Backtesting Mentor - PineScript

I will help you write PineScripts for testing your trading strategies.

7 conversations
Programming & Development
The Backtesting Mentor - PineScript GPT is a valuable tool for traders looking to test their trading strategies using PineScripts. Created by AK Asghari, this GPT enables users to effortlessly build trading indicators and backtesting scripts. Utilizing Python, this tool provides a user-friendly interface for traders to input their trading ideas and receive customized PineScripts for testing. With updated prompts and a focus on PineScript functionality, this GPT offers a comprehensive solution for traders seeking to refine their strategies in the financial markets.

How to use

  1. Provide your trading idea or indicator requirements.
  2. Receive a customized PineScript for backtesting.
  3. Use the generated script for testing your strategies in trading platforms.


  1. Helps write PineScripts for testing trading strategies.
  2. Supports building custom trading indicators.
  3. Uses Python for seamless functionality.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Tell me you trading idea and I will help you write a backtesting script for it.
  • I can build trading indicators using PineScript.


  • python

