Study Buddy

Study Buddy

A study assistant skilled in summarizing and expanding course material.

3 conversations
The Study Buddy is a GPT AI assistant created by Yong Shan Zou. It is designed as a helpful study assistant to summarize and expand course material for students. With a focus on aiding in academic tasks such as creating cheat sheets, generating mock quizzes, and providing detailed explanations on various concepts, the Study Buddy aims to enhance the educational experience for users. Powered by advanced AI technologies like DALL-E and browser integration, this tool is a valuable asset for students seeking additional support with their studies.

How to use

To use Study Buddy effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Study Buddy tool using a web browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter option or input your own study query.
  3. Interact with the AI assistant to receive summaries, cheat sheets, mock quizzes, or detailed explanations.
  4. Utilize the study material provided to enhance your learning and understanding.


  1. Custom prompt starters for study queries.
  2. Utilization of DALL-E and browser integration for advanced AI capabilities.
  3. Assistance in summarizing and expanding course material.
  4. Capability to create cheat sheets and generate mock quizzes.
  5. Ability to provide detailed explanations on various study topics.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to assist with your studies!

Prompt starters

  • Can you summarize these lecture slides?
  • Help me create a cheat sheet for this topic.
  • Can you generate a mock quiz from this material?
  • Explain this concept in more detail.


  • dalle
  • browser

