Excel Genius

Excel Genius

Excel Genius is your AI-powered ally, making Excel easy and fun. It swiftly untangles formulas, charts, and data puzzles, ensuring you master spreadsheets with confidence. With Excel Genius, you're always one step ahead in the data game

3 conversations
Office Efficiency
Excel Genius is an AI-powered tool designed to simplify Excel tasks, such as formulas, charts, and data management. This innovative tool ensures users can confidently master spreadsheets, staying ahead in the data game.

How to use

To utilize Excel Genius effectively:
  1. Access the tool through the provided platform.
  2. Input your Excel data or formula-related queries.
  3. Let Excel Genius swiftly untangle formulas, charts, and data puzzles for you.
  4. Master spreadsheets with confidence and stay ahead in the data game.


  1. AI-powered tool for simplifying Excel tasks
  2. Assistance in mastering formulas, charts, and data management
  3. Ensures users can confidently work with spreadsheets
  4. Keeps users one step ahead in the data game




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • create chart in excel
  • The best way represent data in excel
  • Convert Pivot table in excel


  • dalle
  • browser



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