PDF to CSV Converter

PDF to CSV Converter

Data Analyst-style guidance for PDF to CSV conversions.

This PDF to CSV Converter tool by Dharma Satria Utomo offers Data Analyst-style guidance for seamless conversion of PDF files into CSV format. Utilizing Python, DALL-E, and a web browser, this tool ensures efficient extraction of data tables from PDF files. Whether you're looking for step-by-step instructions or the best method to convert PDFs to CSV, this tool provides professional assistance in a user-friendly manner.

How to use

To use the PDF to CSV Converter tool, follow these steps:
  1. Open the tool in a web browser
  2. Upload the PDF file you want to convert to CSV
  3. Select the conversion settings as per your requirements
  4. Initiate the conversion process
  5. Download the resulting CSV file


  1. Data Analyst-style guidance for PDF to CSV conversions
  2. Supports Python, DALL-E, and browser-based tools
  3. Professional assistance for extracting tables from PDF files
  4. User-friendly interface for seamless conversion process




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to provide professional PDF to CSV conversion assistance.

Prompt starters

  • How do I extract tables from a PDF?
  • Can you convert this PDF to CSV?
  • I need step-by-step help with my PDF to CSV conversion.
  • What's the best detailed method to convert PDF to CSV?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

