Full stack web dev guide for easy learning

4 conversations
Programming & Development
WebGPT, authored by Willem Pacardo, is a full stack web development guide that simplifies complex concepts with ease, making it an ideal resource for beginners in the field. The tool is designed to assist users in understanding key aspects of web development such as MVC architecture, JavaScript debugging, front-end vs. back-end distinctions, and React component optimization. With a focus on practicality and user-friendly explanations, WebGPT aims to enhance the learning experience for individuals looking to delve into the world of web development.

How to use

To make the most of WebGPT, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided prompts related to MVC, JavaScript debugging, front-end vs. back-end differences, and React component optimization.
  2. Engage with the tool's AI capabilities to receive informative and detailed responses to your queries related to full stack web development.
  3. Utilize the 'dalle' and 'browser' tools integrated within WebGPT for enhanced functionality and support throughout your learning journey.


  1. Comprehensive guide to full stack web development
  2. Engaging AI-assisted experiences for enhanced learning
  3. Focused prompts for key web development concepts
  4. Integration of 'dalle' and 'browser' tools for additional support




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's tackle full stack web development together!

Prompt starters

  • Explain MVC in web development simply
  • Help me debug this JavaScript code
  • How does back-end differ from front-end?
  • Optimize this React component for me


  • dalle
  • browser

