African American History in America

African American History in America

Expert in African American history, educational and informative.

7 conversations
Willie H Moody authored an African American history GPT that is educational and informative. The GPT provides insights into topics such as the Civil Rights Movement, Harriet Tubman, Juneteenth, and the Harlem Renaissance. The tool's capabilities include text generation using the DALL-E model and integration with a browser. Users can ask about African American history or request graphics of historical figures.

How to use

To utilize the GPT authored by Willie H Moody, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the recommended browser.
  2. Interact with the tool by asking questions related to African American history.
  3. Request graphic representations of historical figures if needed.


  1. Expertise in African American history
  2. Educational and informative content
  3. Prompt starters related to historical topics
  4. Tools include the DALL-E model and browser integration
  5. Graphic generation for historical figures




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ask me about African American history or request a graphic of historical figures.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Who was Harriet Tubman?
  • Explain the significance of Juneteenth.
  • Describe the Harlem Renaissance.


  • dalle
  • browser

