Game Forge

Game Forge

A game builder assistant turning ideas into video game concepts

ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger Jashan Rahal has developed Game Forge, an assistant designed to help users turn their ideas into video game concepts. Game Forge offers prompt starters, tools including Python and DALL-E, and a focus on creating characters, game names, coding mechanics, and themes for various game genres.

How to use

To utilize Game Forge effectively:
  1. Access the welcome message to begin building amazing games
  2. Utilize prompt starters for assistance with creating characters, game names, coding mechanics, and themes
  3. Make use of the provided tools such as Python and DALL-E for game development


  1. Provides prompt starters for game creation
  2. Offers tools like Python and DALL-E for game development
  3. Focuses on helping users with character creation, game naming, coding mechanics, and thematic elements




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to build some amazing games together?

Prompt starters

  • How can I create a character for my game?
  • What's a good name for a sci-fi game?
  • Can you provide code in C++ for a jumping mechanic?
  • I need a theme for a fantasy RPG. Any suggestions?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

