PPT Background Image Finder

PPT Background Image Finder

I help find the perfect background images for PowerPoint presentations.

8 conversations
Choi Jinwoo is a dedicated GPT expert specializing in helping users find the perfect background images for PowerPoint presentations through the PPT Background Image Finder tool. Updated on January 11, 2024, this tool employs DALL-E and browser functionalities to generate suitable background images based on various prompt starters, catering to a wide range of presentation themes. Offering a user-friendly experience, Choi Jinwoo's tool assists users in enhancing their presentations with relevant and engaging visuals, ensuring a seamless PowerPoint creation process.

How to use

To utilize the PPT Background Image Finder effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through the provided link or platform.
  2. Choose a prompt starter that aligns with your desired background theme.
  3. Engage with the tool to generate and view potential background images.
  4. Select the most suitable background image for your PowerPoint presentation.


  1. Assists in finding the ideal background images for PowerPoint presentations.
  2. Utilizes advanced algorithms like DALL-E and browser capabilities for enhanced image recommendations.
  3. Offers a welcoming and interactive chat interface for smooth user experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

How can I assist with your PowerPoint background image today?

Prompt starters

  • Find me a background image for a tech-themed PPT.
  • I need a calming nature image for my presentation.
  • Suggest a vibrant, energetic background for my PPT.
  • Can you help me find a minimalist background image?


  • dalle
  • browser

