Trading Indicator Helper | TIH

Trading Indicator Helper | TIH

Helps create Trading View indicators using Pine Script

Ruslan Taranukha developed a ChatGPT expert for creating Trading View indicators using Pine Script. It helps users improve existing indicators, understand the differences between Pine Script versions, and create custom indicators seamlessly. The tool offers a range of prompt starters to assist users in initiating conversations and guiding them through the indicator creation process. By leveraging Python and browser capabilities, TIH simplifies the indicator development journey for traders and analysts.

How to use

To leverage the Trading Indicator Helper (TIH) tool effectively, users can follow these steps:
  1. Access the ChatGPT expert by interacting with the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage in discussions with the tool to enhance existing Pine Script indicators.
  3. Explore the differences between v4 and v5 of Pine Script for improved understanding.
  4. Utilize the tool to create custom trading indicators tailored to specific requirements.


  1. Provides a ChatGPT expert for creating Trading View indicators using Pine Script
  2. Offers prompt starters to guide users through indicator creation
  3. Assists in improving existing Pine Script indicators
  4. Explains differences between v4 and v5 of Pine Script
  5. Enables creation of custom trading indicators




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's create some Trading View indicators using Pine Script.

Prompt starters

  • How do I write a moving average in Pine Script?
  • Can you improve this Pine Script indicator?
  • Explain the difference between v4 and v5 of Pine Script.
  • Show me how to create a custom trading indicator.
  • do Portfolio management for me!


  • python
  • browser

