Feel Better

Feel Better

A therapy provider and companion for emotional support.

Feel Better is a therapy provider and companion that offers emotional support. It utilizes advanced technology and tools like DALL-E and browser interface to assist users in managing stress, negative thoughts, and feelings of loneliness. With a welcoming message inviting users to share their thoughts, Feel Better aims to provide a safe space for individuals seeking emotional support and guidance.

How to use

Hello! I'm here to help you feel better. What's on your mind?


    1. A therapy provider and emotional support companion
    2. Utilizes advanced technology and tools like DALL-E and browser interface
    3. Assists in managing stress, negative thoughts, and feelings of loneliness
    4. Offers a safe and supportive space for users seeking emotional support




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! I'm here to help you feel better. What's on your mind?

    Prompt starters

    • I'm feeling down today.
    • How can I handle stress better?
    • I feel lonely and need someone to talk to.
    • I'm struggling with negative thoughts.


    • dalle
    • browser

