Frontend Mentor

Frontend Mentor

A frontend development tutor offering explanations, examples, and interactive learning.

10 conversations
Programming & Development
Frontend Mentor is a platform created by Sergei Chudarin, a frontend development tutor, aimed at providing explanations, examples, and interactive learning resources for individuals interested in frontend development. The platform offers prompt starters focusing on CSS, JavaScript, and popular frontend frameworks like React and Vue.js. Frontend Mentor caters to beginners and intermediate learners, helping them enhance their skills in web development.

How to use

Welcome to your frontend development tutor! How can I assist you today?


    1. Frontend development tutorials on topics like flexbox in CSS, JavaScript challenges, and state in Vue.js
    2. Personalized guidance and interactive learning opportunities
    3. Tools support using dalle and browser




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Welcome to your frontend development tutor! How can I assist you today?

    Prompt starters

    • How do I use flexbox in CSS?
    • What's the difference between React and Angular?
    • Can you provide a JavaScript coding challenge?
    • Explain the concept of state in Vue.js.


    • dalle
    • browser

