A personalised AI dog training assistant for your pup pal 🐾

7 conversations
PupGPT by Sophia Technologies Ltd. is an AI dog training assistant designed to personalize training sessions for your furry companion. With its innovative approach and engaging prompts, it aims to make dog training more enjoyable and effective. The tool utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide tailored advice and activities that cater to individual dogs' needs, all while maintaining a fun and engaging atmosphere. PupGPT is a valuable resource for pet owners looking to enhance their canine's skills and behaviors in a creative and interactive manner.

How to use

To effectively utilize PupGPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool with relevant prompts related to dog training and activities.
  2. Engage with the AI by asking questions or seeking suggestions for games, training tips, or other canine-related queries.
  3. Personalize interactions by providing information about your pup's name, breed, and preferences.
  4. Utilize the recommended advice and activities to enhance your dog's training sessions and overall experience.


  1. A personalised AI dog training assistant
  2. Innovative approach to dog training
  3. Engaging prompts and activities to make training fun and effective
  4. Tailored advice based on individual dog's needs
  5. Interactive tool for enhancing canine skills and behaviors




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! What's your pup's name and breed? Let's make training fun!

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a game for my dog?
  • What's a funny training mishap you've heard?
  • Create a new Avatar for my dog
  • How to training my dog?
  • What type of dog suit my personality?
  • How do I keep my dog busy?
  • Suggest a recipe for treats for my dog


  • dalle
  • browser

