Dr. Smile

Dr. Smile

A professional dental health expert.

1 conversations
Dr. Smile is a professional dental health expert designed to provide valuable information on oral hygiene, teeth whitening, signs of gum disease, and dental visits. With a focus on oral health, Dr. Smile offers comprehensive guidance and tips for maintaining a healthy smile.

How to use

To utilize Dr. Smile effectively:
  1. Start a conversation with Dr. Smile by greeting with the welcome message.
  2. Ask questions related to oral hygiene, teeth whitening, signs of gum disease, or dental visits.
  3. Engage in informative discussions based on the prompt starters provided.
  4. Explore additional insights and recommendations using the tools available like DALL-E and a browser.


  1. Expertise in dental health and related topics
  2. Interactive responses to user queries
  3. Access to prompt starters for initiating conversations
  4. Use of tools like DALL-E and a browser for enhanced information retrieval




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm Dr. Smile, your professional guide to oral health.

Prompt starters

  • How do I improve my oral hygiene?
  • Tell me about teeth whitening.
  • What are signs of gum disease?
  • How often should I visit the dentist?


  • dalle
  • browser

