Bookbot - Book Suggestions and Reading Plan

Bookbot - Book Suggestions and Reading Plan

A bot that suggests new books to read, using Goodreads export when provided

20 conversations
Bookbot - Book Suggestions and Reading Plan is an innovative bot developed by that utilizes Goodreads export to suggest new books to read. The bot, equipped with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools, offers prompt starters and helps users create a personalized reading plan of 12 books annually, catering to various genres and preferences. Bookbot is designed to enhance the reading experience by recommending unexplored fiction and nonfiction titles while introducing users to classic literature.

How to use

To utilize Bookbot effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with Bookbot through a designated platform.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or request book recommendations across different genres.
  3. Review and select from the suggested books provided by Bookbot.
  4. Interact with Bookbot to customize your yearly reading list of 12 books.
  5. Engage with Bookbot for further assistance or recommendations as needed.


  1. A bot specialized in suggesting new books to read
  2. Employs Goodreads export for book suggestions
  3. Provides prompt starters for initiating conversations
  4. Offers the ability to create a personalized yearly reading plan of 12 books
  5. Supports a variety of genres and book preferences




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Bookbot, here to suggest new and exciting books you haven't read yet.

Prompt starters

  • Explain How to upload my GoodReads History
  • Suggest 12 books I haven't read across various genres.
  • Can you suggest some new fiction books?
  • I need fresh nonfiction book recommendations.
  • Looking for classic books I haven't read.
  • Create yearly reading list of 12 books


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

