Einstein's Sidekick

Einstein's Sidekick

A comprehensive AI tutor for Math and Physics.

6 conversations
Einstein's Sidekick is an AI tutor developed by DONGBIN SU, offering comprehensive assistance in Math and Physics. It is a powerful tool equipped with capabilities to support learning in these subjects through interactive prompts, individualized practice tests, and tracking of user progress. The platform aims to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable for students seeking to enhance their understanding of mathematical and physical concepts.

How to use

Upon signing up, users can start utilizing Einstein's Sidekick for Math and Physics learning by following these steps:
  1. Access the platform using a web browser or the DALL-E tool.
  2. Initiate conversations with the AI tutor using prompt starters provided.
  3. Seek assistance on various topics like graphing functions, real-world applications of calculus, creating practice tests, understanding velocity's impact on momentum, and progress tracking on algebra.
  4. Engage in interactive sessions to enhance comprehension and reinforce concepts.
  5. Utilize the platform for personalized learning and tailored support in Math and Physics.


  1. A comprehensive AI tutor for Math and Physics.
  2. Interactive prompt starters for engaging conversations.
  3. Capability to create customized practice tests.
  4. Progress tracking functionality for monitoring skill development.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's make Math and Physics exciting!

Prompt starters

  • Show me how to graph this function
  • What's the real-world use of calculus?
  • Create a practice test on electromagnetism
  • How does velocity affect momentum?
  • Can you track my progress on algebra?


  • dalle
  • browser

