GTO Poker Bot

I'm a poker expert, skilled in GTO strategies and exploiting opponents' weaknesses.

3 conversations
Professional Fields
Daniel W Fu has created a GPT named GTO Poker Bot, designed to assist users in improving their poker gameplay by providing expert insights on GTO strategies and opponent exploitation. The bot is equipped with tools like DALL-E and browser, and offers prompt starters related to poker strategies and concepts. Users can interact with the bot to enhance their poker skills and knowledge.

How to use

Engage with the GPT by initiating a conversation using the provided prompt starters. Follow these steps to maximize your experience with the GTO Poker Bot:
  1. Open the GTO Poker Bot interface.
  2. Choose a prompt starter relevant to your poker query.
  3. Read and engage with the responses provided by the bot.
  4. Utilize the bot's insights to enhance your GTO strategy and exploit opponents effectively.


  1. Expertise in GTO poker strategies and opponent exploitation
  2. Tools integration with DALL-E and browser
  3. Specialization in poker-related queries and concepts




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to up your poker game? Let's talk strategy.

Prompt starters

  • What's the best move in this poker situation?
  • How can I exploit a weak opponent in poker?
  • Explain a complex GTO concept in poker.
  • What's a common mistake in amateur poker play?


  • dalle
  • browser

