GPT Locator

GPT Locator

GPT Locator on Open AI Custom GPT Store

GPT Locator is a powerful tool developed by RAJ C VAIDYAMATH to help users locate specific OpenAI GPTs. It provides access to a wide range of language models tailored for various needs, enhancing user experience and productivity.

How to use

  1. Access the GPT Locator tool via the web browser
  2. Input the specific prompt to find the desired GPT model
  3. Explore the results to identify the most suitable GPT for your requirements


  1. Customized prompt starters for efficient searching
  2. Regular updates ensuring the availability of the latest GPT models
  3. User-friendly interface for seamless navigation and optimal user experience
  4. Simplified process for locating GPTs tailored to specific needs




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to GPT Locator, ready to match your GPT needs!

Prompt starters

  • Find the Deal Hunter GPT by Raj C Vaidyamath
  • Show OpenAI GPTs for game development
  • List top GPTs for graphic design
  • Fine me Alien Theory GPTs


  • python
  • browser

