SEO CoPilot

SEO CoPilot

SEO CoPilot is an AI-driven SEO Specialist Chatbot designed to assist businesses, SMBs, marketing people, and CEOs in mastering Search Engine Optimization. SEO Optimization can help you with keyword research, content writing, backlinks, improve website traffic, leads, conversion, etc.

1 conversations
SEO CoPilot is an AI-driven SEO Specialist Chatbot tailored to aid businesses, marketing professionals, and CEOs in mastering Search Engine Optimization. It offers expertise in keyword research, content creation, backlinking, and improving website traffic, leads, and conversions. By utilizing tools like DALL-E and browser functions, the chatbot assists users in enhancing their SEO strategies.

How to use

To effectively use SEO CoPilot, follow these steps:
  1. Engage with the chatbot using any of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Discuss your SEO concerns and goals with the chatbot.
  3. Utilize the suggested tools for keyword research, content creation, and backlinking.
  4. Implement the recommendations provided by the chatbot to boost your website traffic and enhance SEO performance.


  1. AI-driven assistance for mastering SEO
  2. Specialization in keyword research, content creation, and backlinking
  3. Improvement in website traffic, leads, and conversions
  4. Utilization of tools such as DALL-E and browser functions




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Do you need quick SEO fixes?
  • Has your traffic dropped?
  • Do you want to improve the website traffic?
  • Are you looking to get high ranks?


  • dalle
  • browser

