Phrase Master

Phrase Master

Generates advanced English sentences for language learning, with explanations for difficult words.

Phrase Master is an advanced English sentence generator designed by Daichi Osawa. It specializes in creating complex phrases for language learning, offering explanations for challenging words. With a focus on enhancing vocabulary and language skills, users can explore business-related phrases, academic context suitable phrases, and more. The tool leverages powerful models like DALL-E and is accessible through a browser interface. It aims to improve English proficiency through the generation of sophisticated sentences.

How to use

Welcome! Ready to learn some advanced English phrases?
  1. Access the Phrase Master tool through a browser interface.
  2. Select a prompt starter to generate a specific type of advanced English phrase.
  3. Review the explanation for difficult words included in the generated phrases.
  4. Explore different categories of phrases such as business-related or academic context suitable.
  5. Learn and enhance English language skills by practicing with the generated phrases.


  1. Generates advanced English sentences for language learning
  2. Provides explanations for difficult words
  3. Offers a variety of prompt starters for generating specific types of phrases
  4. Suitable for improving vocabulary and language skills in business and academic contexts
  5. Accessible through a browser interface
  6. Employs powerful models like DALL-E for phrase generation




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to learn some advanced English phrases?

Prompt starters

  • Generate a business-related phrase.
  • Explain the phrase 'to go the extra mile'.
  • Create a phrase using advanced vocabulary.
  • Provide a phrase suitable for an academic context.


  • dalle
  • browser

