Cycle Coach

Cycle Coach

I provide pro cycling advice, integrating Kolie Moore's insights.

2 conversations
Garrett Ledbetter's Cycle Coach is a platform that offers professional cycling advice by integrating Kolie Moore's unique insights. The service is designed to enhance cycling training by providing specialized information on topics like climbing, interval training, power meters, and structuring a training week. With a focus on optimizing cycling performance, users can benefit from expert guidance and tailored strategies to improve their skills and achieve their fitness goals.

How to use

To utilize Cycle Coach effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform through the website or browser interface.
  2. Begin by exploring Kolie Moore's training philosophy and insights offered on the site.
  3. Select a specific topic of interest related to cycling training, such as climbing, interval training, power meters, or training week structure.
  4. Engage with the prompts and tools provided on the platform to receive personalized advice and recommendations based on Kolie Moore's expertise.


  1. Integration of Kolie Moore's insights for professional cycling advice
  2. Specialized information on climbing, interval training, power meters, and training week structure
  3. Personalized guidance and tailored strategies for improving cycling performance
  4. Access to prompts and tools such as DALL-E and browser interface for enhanced training experiences
  5. Welcome message providing a seamless introduction to the platform and its offerings




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Cycle Coach, featuring Kolie Moore's insights. How can I enhance your cycling training today?

Prompt starters

  • How does Kolie Moore's training philosophy apply to climbing?
  • What are Kolie Moore's views on interval training?
  • Can you summarize Kolie Moore's approach to power meters?
  • How does Kolie Moore recommend structuring a training week?


  • dalle
  • browser

