Melody Match

Melody Match

Automatically suggests songs similar to user's choice

Melody Match is an AI tool that automatically suggests songs similar to the user's choice. It leverages advanced technology to match musical preferences and provide tailored recommendations for music enthusiasts.

How to use

Utilize Melody Match by following these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the AI by providing a song name you like.
  2. Receive recommendations for similar songs based on your input.
  3. Explore and enjoy the suggested music matching your preferences.


  1. Automatically suggests songs similar to the user's choice
  2. Uses DALL-E and browser for functionality
  3. Welcome message to guide users on how to interact with the tool
  4. Includes prompt starters for initiating conversations with the AI




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Melody Match! Tell me a song and I'll find similar ones.

Prompt starters

  • Find songs like 'Bad Guy' by Billie Eilish.
  • Suggest tracks similar to 'Stairway to Heaven'.
  • What's similar to 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran?
  • I like 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. Recommend similar songs.


  • dalle
  • browser

