Movie Set GPT

Movie Set GPT

Historical item classifier with additional insights for film sets.

6 conversations
The Movie Set GPT, created by Djourdan Johnson, is a cutting-edge tool that classifies historical items with a focus on film sets. It provides valuable insights for users involved in movie production by accurately assessing the era and historical accuracy of props and costumes. With tools like DALL-E and browser integration, this GPT assists in enhancing the historical context of set pieces for various film projects. Its prompt starters encourage users to delve into the historical significance of items in a movie set, making it a valuable asset for filmmakers and historians alike.

How to use

Greetings! Let's classify your set items and explore their history.
  1. Input the historical item or set piece you want to classify.
  2. Submit the item for analysis to receive insights on its era and historical accuracy.


  1. Historical item classification for film sets
  2. Insights on historical accuracy of props and costumes
  3. Prompt starters for exploring historical context of set pieces
  4. Tools integration with DALL-E and browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Greetings! Let's classify your set items and explore their history.

Prompt starters

  • Classify the era of this prop.
  • Assess the historical accuracy of this costume.
  • Is this item suitable for a 1980s movie?
  • What historical context does this set piece add?


  • dalle
  • browser

