History Chat

History Chat

Simulates conversations with historical figures using their known sayings and writings.

1 conversations
History Chat is an AI tool developed by Janszky József that simulates conversations with historical figures using their known sayings and writings. Users can engage in dialogues with virtual representations of figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Cleopatra, Aristotle, and Shakespeare. The tool leverages Python, DALL-E, and a browser interface for an interactive experience, making it a unique and engaging platform for history enthusiasts.

How to use

Welcome! Choose a historical figure to converse with.
  1. Select a historical figure from the provided options.
  2. Engage with the AI by initiating conversations or asking questions about specific topics.
  3. Explore different dialogues and responses to delve deeper into the historical context.


  1. Simulates conversations with historical figures
  2. Utilizes known sayings and writings of the figures
  3. Offers a selection of prompt starters for engaging conversations
  4. Tools used: Python, DALL-E, browser interface




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Choose a historical figure to converse with.

Prompt starters

  • Talk to Abraham Lincoln about democracy.
  • Ask Cleopatra about her rule in Egypt.
  • Discuss philosophy with Aristotle.
  • Inquire Shakespeare about his plays.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

