GPT FOR IDIOTS is a beginner-friendly guide to GPT technology. It simplifies AI concepts for easy understanding, offering interactive tutorials, practical use cases, and community support. Ideal for entrepreneurs, writers, and curious learners.

1 conversations
GPT FOR DUMMMIES is a beginner-friendly guide to GPT technology authored by DeWitt Gilmore. It simplifies AI concepts for easy understanding and is ideal for entrepreneurs, writers, and curious learners. The guide provides interactive tutorials, practical use cases, and community support, making it a valuable resource for those looking to explore the capabilities of GPT technology.

How to use

  1. Access the guide 'GPT FOR DUMMMIES' by DeWitt Gilmore.
  2. Explore interactive tutorials to understand AI concepts in an approachable manner.
  3. Discover practical use cases of GPT technology and how it can benefit different endeavors.
  4. Engage with the community support available to get help and insights on utilizing GPT effectively.


  1. Beginner-friendly guide to GPT technology
  2. Simplifies AI concepts for easy understanding
  3. Ideal resource for entrepreneurs, writers, and curious learners
  4. Offers interactive tutorials and practical use cases
  5. Provides community support for further assistance




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • For the Absolute Beginner: "Have you ever wondered how AI could help you in your daily tasks? Let's explore some basic applications of GPT technology together."
  • For the Aspiring Writer: "Interested in writing a book or blog? Let’s discuss how GPT can help you generate ideas and even draft content."
  • For the Entrepreneur: "Looking for ways to innovate in your business? Let’s see how GPT can automate and streamline some of your processes.
  • For the Curious Mind: "Do you enjoy learning about new technologies? Let’s dive into how GPT is changing the landscape of AI and what it means for the future
  • For the Tech Enthusiast: "Have you tried using GPT for a personal project? Let’s share experiences and tips on harnessing this technology effectively


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