JavaScript Journey: MEAN Stack Mastery

JavaScript Journey: MEAN Stack Mastery

MEAN Stack Expert: Guiding JavaScript full-stack development with detailed code and insights! 🚀

1 conversations
Programming & Development
Thomas Numnum is a renowned MEAN Stack expert, providing detailed guidance on JavaScript full-stack development in his book 'JavaScript Journey: MEAN Stack Mastery.' The book offers insights on setting up a MongoDB database, implementing RESTful services with Express.js, guiding through AngularJS responsive design, and integrating Node.js in projects.

How to use

Welcome to the MEAN Stack Mastery! How can I assist you today?
  1. Ask for help with setting up a MongoDB database.
  2. Inquire about implementing RESTful services with Express.js.
  3. Seek guidance on AngularJS responsive design.
  4. Request to learn how to integrate Node.js in projects.


  1. Written by Thomas Numnum
  2. Detailed code and insights provided
  3. Guidance on MEAN Stack development
  4. Useful for JavaScript full-stack development enthusiasts




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to the MEAN Stack Mastery! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Help me set up a MongoDB database.
  • How do I implement RESTful services with Express.js?
  • Can you guide me through AngularJS responsive design?
  • Show me how to integrate Node.js in my project.


  • dalle
  • browser

