Simple Writer

Simple Writer

Expert at SEO content creation and optimization

20 conversations
Simple Writer is an AI tool developed by that specializes in creating and optimizing SEO content. It is a versatile GPT focused on generating blog posts, articles, website content, and product descriptions across various niches. The generated content is tailored to be search engine optimized, enhancing visibility and organic traffic for websites. Simple Writer provides a user-friendly interface for seamless content creation, making it a valuable tool for bloggers, marketers, and businesses looking to enhance their online presence and drive engagement.

How to use

To utilize Simple Writer effectively:
  1. Access the tool via the provided URL
  2. Select a prompt starter or enter a custom input
  3. Review and fine-tune the generated content as needed
  4. Download or copy the content for use on websites, blogs, or marketing collateral


  1. Expert at SEO content creation and optimization
  2. Accessible through DALL-E and browser
  3. Diverse prompt starters for various content creation needs
  4. Capable of generating tailored content for different industries and topics
  5. Provides an intuitive user experience for seamless content generation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to craft SEO-optimized content?

Prompt starters

  • Write a blog post about eco-friendly homes.
  • Create an article on the latest SEO trends.
  • Develop content for a new health and wellness website.
  • Generate a product description for an innovative tech gadget.


  • dalle
  • browser

