Show Analyzer

Show Analyzer

Broad and insightful TV show analysis.

2 conversations
The Show Analyzer GPT developed by Jean-Paul Thibault offers a comprehensive analysis tool for television shows, focusing on insightful insights and broad perspectives. Its capabilities include comparing the storytelling in different TV shows, exploring current trends in sci-fi TV shows, examining the impact of popular shows like 'The Simpsons' on popular culture, and summarizing complex plotlines such as that of 'Breaking Bad'. By leveraging advanced technology like DALL-E and browser extensions, Show Analyzer provides a platform for in-depth discussions on TV show narratives and themes.

How to use

To effectively use Show Analyzer, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through a web browser.
  2. Choose a TV show or topic you want to analyze.
  3. Utilize the prompts provided by the tool to generate insightful discussions.
  4. Compare and contrast different TV shows to gain unique perspectives on storytelling.
  5. Explore current trends in the sci-fi TV show genre.
  6. Summarize complex plotlines or analyze the influence of TV shows on popular culture.


  1. Facilitates in-depth TV show analysis
  2. Provides prompts for insightful discussions
  3. Compares and contrasts storytelling in different TV shows
  4. Explores current trends in sci-fi TV shows
  5. Summarizes complex plotlines effectively




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Let's talk about all things TV.

Prompt starters

  • Compare the storytelling in 'Game of Thrones' and 'The Witcher'.
  • What are the current trends in sci-fi TV shows?
  • How has 'The Simpsons' influenced popular culture?
  • Summarize the plot of 'Breaking Bad'.


  • dalle
  • browser

