Post Assistant

Post Assistant

Creates readable, concise LinkedIn articles for professionals.

1 conversations
Post Assistant is a versatile tool created by Alan Duke for professionals looking to craft clear and concise LinkedIn articles. It uses a combination of tools such as DALL-E and browser-based techniques to generate readable content. With a focus on business and professional topics, the tool is designed to assist users in developing engaging posts on various subjects like business innovation, networking, market trends, and career growth. By offering guidance and structured prompts, Post Assistant streamlines the article creation process, helping users convey their ideas effectively to a professional audience.

How to use

Let's craft a clear, concise LinkedIn article together!
  1. Access the Post Assistant tool developed by Alan Duke.
  2. Select a prompt starter related to your desired article topic.
  3. Utilize the provided tools, including DALL-E and the browser interface.
  4. Follow the guidance to structure and draft your article effectively.


  1. Creates readable and concise content for LinkedIn articles.
  2. Offers guidance on structuring and drafting professional posts.
  3. Incorporates tools like DALL-E and browser-based techniques for content generation.




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's craft a clear, concise LinkedIn article together!

Prompt starters

  • How to write a concise article on business innovation?
  • Tips for structuring a short article on networking?
  • Can you help draft an article about market trends?
  • Guidance on a brief but informative post on career growth?


  • dalle
  • browser

