Flat Logo Generator

Flat Logo Generator

Create minimalist flat logomarks and icons. Use Vectorizer.ai to turn into an SVG vector

6 conversations
Explore the Flat Logo Generator tool by Giig ApS, a handy resource to create minimalist flat logomarks and icons. This tool allows users to easily design striking black and white logomarks for various purposes. With Vectorizer.ai integration, the tool provides the capability to convert designs into high-quality SVG vectors. Perfect for businesses and individuals looking to craft professional logo designs with a minimalist touch.

How to use

To use the Flat Logo Generator tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using a supported browser
  2. Choose from the prompt starters or input your own idea
  3. Craft your logomark using the minimalist design options provided
  4. Download your design in SVG format for further use


  1. Create minimalist flat logomarks and icons
  2. Vectorize designs into high-quality SVG vectors
  3. Ideal for crafting striking black and white logomarks
  4. Suitable for various industries such as tech, finance, and startups




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's create some striking black and white logomarks!

Prompt starters

  • Craft a minimalist logomark for a cloud service
  • Design a black and white logomark for a finance app
  • Create a simple logomark for a tech company
  • Generate a minimalist logomark for a startup


  • dalle
  • browser

