AI Detector

AI Detector

Our tool stands as #1 in the industry for humanizing content. It crafts text that mimics human writing with precision, eluding detection by even the most advanced AI systems.

4 conversations
GPT AI Detector stands out as the top tool in the content industry for humanizing text. By seamlessly replicating human writing, it ensures that even the most sophisticated AI systems cannot distinguish it as machine-generated. With a list of prompt starters to help users guide the text transformation process, the tool's capabilities include rewriting AI-generated content to sound more human-like, translating technical text into everyday language, and reducing robotic tones from the original content.

How to use

To utilize GPT AI Detector effectively:
  1. Access the tool on supported platforms.
  2. Input the AI-generated text that needs humanizing.
  3. Select one of the prompt starters provided or provide your own guidance.
  4. Review the transformed text for human-like qualities.
  5. Make necessary adjustments if needed.
  6. Download or copy the humanized text for your desired use.


  1. Crafts human-like text from AI-generated content.
  2. Offers prompt starters for guiding text transformation.
  3. Supports various categories including SEO, social media, writing, and more.
  4. Utilizes tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser integration for enhanced functionality.
  5. Keeps content updated and relevant as per the latest industry standards.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to humanize your AI content with a personalized touch!

Prompt starters

  • Rewrite this AI-generated text to sound human.
  • How would a human express this idea?
  • Make this content seem less robotic.
  • Transform this technical text into everyday language.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

