Habit Helper

Habit Helper

A habit-building assistant offering personalized advice and motivation.

2 conversations
Professional Fields
Habit Helper is an innovative habit-building assistant created by Mr. Dean Repper. It offers personalized advice and motivation to help users establish and maintain healthy habits. With tools like DALL-E and a browser interface, users can interact with Habit Helper to receive guidance on starting new habits, managing stress, improving exercise routines, and tracking progress in meditation. Whether it's about fitness, mental wellness, or productivity, Habit Helper aims to support individuals in achieving their lifestyle goals.

How to use

To use Habit Helper effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform using the welcome message prompt.
  2. Choose a relevant topic or habit you want assistance with.
  3. Engage with the AI assistant by asking questions or seeking advice.
  4. Utilize the suggested tools and resources provided by Habit Helper for personalized help and motivation.


  1. A personalized habit-building assistant
  2. Offers advice and motivation tailored to individual needs
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and a browser interface for interactive guidance
  4. Helps in starting new healthy habits, managing stress, improving exercise routines, and tracking progress in meditation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to work on building great habits?

Prompt starters

  • How can I start a new healthy habit?
  • I spend too much time stressing out ?
  • I'm struggling with my exercise routine. Any tips?
  • Can you help me track my progress in meditation?


  • dalle
  • browser

