Image Prompt Craftsman

Image Prompt Craftsman

Crafts detailed, versatile prompts from image analysis.

7 conversations
The Image Prompt Craftsman, created by Anton Dubov, is a powerful tool that crafts detailed and versatile prompts from image analysis. It offers valuable assistance in generating creative prompts for various applications. Users can leverage this tool to enhance their writing skills, foster creativity, and spark inspiration. With a focus on image analysis, the Image Prompt Craftsman serves as a valuable resource for writers seeking to generate engaging content. By utilizing sophisticated algorithms and image recognition capabilities, this tool facilitates the creation of high-quality prompts based on visual stimuli, enabling users to explore new ideas and perspectives.

How to use

To utilize the Image Prompt Craftsman effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Share an image with the tool.
  2. Receive a detailed prompt based on the analysis of the image.
  3. Use the prompt to inspire your writing or creative projects.


  1. Crafts detailed and versatile prompts from image analysis.
  2. Offers assistance in generating creative prompts for various applications.
  3. Utilizes sophisticated algorithms and image recognition capabilities.
  4. Facilitates the creation of high-quality prompts based on visual stimuli.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Share an image, and I'll help create a prompt to replicate it.

Prompt starters

  • Analyze this image and create a prompt.
  • Describe this image in detail.
  • Create a prompt based on this image.
  • How would you replicate this image?


  • dalle
  • browser

