논문요약 - MindmapSummarizer

논문요약 - MindmapSummarizer

arXiv, PubMed 등 모든 저널의 논문 링크(논문의 pdf 링크도 가능), 뷰어 또는 편집자 권한이 허용된 구글 드라이브 파일 공유 링크를 입력하시면 마인드맵의 형태로 요약해줍니다. | Builder Link : https://bio.link/joonpark

200 conversations
The GPT tool '논문요약 - MindmapSummarizer' created by PARK JOON allows users to input journal article links or Google Drive file links to generate a mindmap summarization. This tool helps users visually comprehend and organize complex information presented in academic papers. The generated mindmap serves as a useful aid for researchers, students, and professionals in quickly grasping the key points of a document. The tool supports various types of links, making it versatile for summarizing content from different sources.

How to use

To use the '논문요약 - MindmapSummarizer' tool:
  1. Access the tool using the provided Builder Link: https://bio.link/joonpark
  2. Input the desired journal article link or a Google Drive file sharing link with viewer or editor access
  3. Allow the tool to process the input links and generate a mindmap summarization
  4. Review and explore the generated mindmap to understand the summarized content effectively


  1. Summarizes academic papers into mindmaps
  2. Supports journal article links and Google Drive file links
  3. Useful for researchers, students, and professionals in understanding complex information
  4. Visual representation aids in quick comprehension of key points




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38309258/
  • https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.04805.pdf
  • https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2521-4
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ep2bO_KzZSU2CjNaQ6742i-DjVgQmRhV/view?usp=sharing


  • plugins_prototype



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