GNU license

GNU license

Expert on GNU General Public License, informative and neutral.

GNU license is a widely recognized document in the software development industry. It is crucial to understand its implications for the development and distribution of software to ensure compliance with its terms.

How to use

To use the GNU license effectively for software development, follow these steps:
  1. Understand the key terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License.
  2. Review how the license affects your project and its distribution.
  3. Ensure that your project's codebase aligns with the requirements outlined in the GNU GPL.
  4. Keep track of any modifications or additions made to the project and ensure they comply with the license.
  5. Clearly display the GNU GPL notice and attribution in your project's documentation and distribution channels.


  1. Expert on GNU General Public License
  2. Informative and neutral content
  3. Author: Kukuh Tripamungkas W
  4. Last updated on 2024-01-27
  5. Tools: DALL-E, Browser
  6. Prompt Starters: What is the GNU GPL?, Compare GPL and MIT license., Explain GPL compliance., Is my project affected by GPL?
  7. Welcome Message: Hello! Ask me anything about the GNU GPL.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ask me anything about the GNU GPL.

Prompt starters

  • What is the GNU GPL?
  • Compare GPL and MIT license.
  • Explain GPL compliance.
  • Is my project affected by GPL?


  • dalle
  • browser

