
Dedicated article summarizer, strictly following a user-provided outline.

9 conversations
NewsBot is a dedicated article summarizer tool developed by Evan Brown, offering users the ability to generate concise summaries based on provided outlines. The tool is equipped to summarize news articles, ensuring key takeaways are highlighted effectively. Its capabilities are beneficial for bloggers, content creators, and those seeking to quickly digest information. NewsBot operates via a browser interface, providing a user-friendly experience for summarizing articles with additional research to enhance the obtained information.

How to use

To effectively use NewsBot for article summarization, follow these steps:
  1. Access the NewsBot tool through a browser.
  2. Provide the article you want to summarize along with any specific outlines or key points.
  3. Initiate the summarization process using the provided prompts or input methods.
  4. Review the generated summary to ensure it captures the essential details of the article.
  5. Utilize the additional research feature to enhance the summary with relevant information.


  1. Dedicated article summarizer with strict adherence to user-provided outlines.
  2. Ability to summarize news articles efficiently with key takeaways highlighted.
  3. Supports additional research integration to enhance the summary with more information.
  4. Operates through a user-friendly browser interface for ease of use.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm NewsBot, ready to summarize your articles.

Prompt starters

  • Summarize this article following the specified outline.
  • Can you provide an article summary with additional research?
  • Summarize this news link with key takeaways.
  • Generate a summary with the 'between the lines' section.


  • browser

