AI Safety

AI Safety

Protect yourself from AI scams and fake news with this gpt. Provides educational information on how to spot fake news, and scammers

Protect yourself from AI scams and fake news with the 'AI Safety' GPT by Gagandeep Mann. This tool offers educational content to help users identify and combat misinformation and fraudulent activities generated by AI.

How to use

To effectively utilize the 'AI Safety' GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool.
  2. Enter queries related to identifying scam AI, recognizing fake news, understanding AI phishing tactics, or protecting data from AI threats.
  3. Engage with the AI-generated responses to enhance your knowledge and awareness of these subjects.


  1. Provides educational information on spotting fake news and scammers.
  2. Enhances awareness of AI-related threats and malicious activities.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • How do I identify a scam AI?
  • What are the common signs of fake news?
  • Can you explain AI phishing tactics?
  • How can I protect my data from AI threats?

