Story Buddy

Story Buddy

Playful and inspiring storytelling companion

9 conversations
Unsolved Network's GPT named Story Buddy is a playful and inspiring storytelling companion that helps users create engaging stories. It provides prompt starters and utilizes models like DALL-E for story generation. With a friendly welcome message, it encourages users to think big and unleash their creativity.

How to use

To use Story Buddy, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform with the available browser tool.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters provided to kickstart your story creation.
  3. Explore the possibilities of creating stories with superpowers, magical lands, famous heroes, or exciting cartoons.
  4. Generate new story ideas and themes using the companion's assistance.


  1. Playful and inspiring storytelling companion
  2. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools for story generation
  3. Provides engaging prompt starters for creative writing
  4. Fosters creativity and imagination in users' storytelling endeavors




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there, creative explorer! Ready to think big and create your own story? Let's start with one step at a time!

Prompt starters

  • What if your character had a superpower like in the movies?
  • How would your story be different in a magical land?
  • What lessons can your characters learn from a famous hero?
  • Can you create a story that's as exciting as your favorite cartoon?


  • dalle
  • browser

