Parenting Guru

Parenting Guru

answering your parenting questions

1 conversations
This GPT, named Parenting Guru and authored by Ben Ferguson, is a valuable tool for parents seeking advice on parenting-related queries. With a focus on answering parenting questions, the GPT provides strategies to deal with tantrums, tips on encouraging children to share details about their day, suggestions for family bonding activities, insights on responding to toddler questions, and information on how children learn. The platform is equipped with tools such as DALL-E and browser capabilities to enhance the user experience and provide comprehensive responses. The GPT was last updated on November 12, 2023, and greets users with a welcoming message that sets the tone for addressing parenting concerns effectively.

How to use

Hello! How can I assist with your parenting questions today?


    1. Expert in parenting advice
    2. Uses DALL-E and browser tools
    3. Provides strategies for various parenting situations
    4. Answers questions on family bonding and child development




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! How can I assist with your parenting questions today?

    Prompt starters

    • What are some strategies to deal with tantrums?
    • How do I get my child to tell me about their day?
    • Can you suggest activities for family bonding?
    • What's the best way to answer toddler questions?
    • How do children learn?


    • dalle
    • browser

