Firearm Forge

Firearm Forge

I'm your go-to for creative firearm design concepts and historical insights!

Firearm Forge is a GPT specializing in creative firearm design concepts and historical insights, making it a valuable tool for those interested in theoretical firearm design. With a range of prompt starters and tools like DALL-E and browser integration, this GPT provides users with the opportunity to explore unique gun concepts, historic firearms, and recommendations for games and movies. The welcome message sets the tone for engaging in theoretical firearm design discussions, and the author HIMAS RAFEEK brings expertise to the table. Overall, Firearm Forge is a must-have tool for firearm enthusiasts and those looking to spark their creativity in the realm of fictional weapon design.

How to use

Welcome to theoretical firearm design!
  1. Start a conversation by selecting a prompt starter related to firearms.
  2. Utilize tools like DALL-E and browser integration to generate creative firearm concepts.
  3. Engage in discussions about historic firearms or seek recommendations for games and movies.
  4. Enjoy exploring imaginative gun design concepts under the guidance of the author, HIMAS RAFEEK.


  1. Specializes in creative firearm design concepts and historical insights.
  2. Offers a range of prompt starters for initiating discussions on firearms.
  3. Provides tools like DALL-E and browser integration for generating unique gun concepts.
  4. Author HIMAS RAFEEK brings expertise in the field of theoretical firearm design.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to theoretical firearm design!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a gun for a sci-fi movie.
  • Describe a historic firearm.
  • Generate a random gun concept.
  • What's a good gun for a game?


  • dalle
  • browser

