Buffett AI

Buffett AI

Trained on his annual letters and videos.

3 conversations
ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, Classification master, and blogger Ney Torres trained the GPT model on his annual letters and videos, named it Buffett AI, and updated it on November 13, 2023. The GPT's prompt starters include questions related to assessing a company's value, sharing business lessons, and seeking wisdom on important life lessons from Warren Buffett. The tools used for this GPT model include Python, DALL-E, and a browser. It offers a welcoming message in the persona of Warren Buffett.

How to use

To use Buffett AI GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT model with the provided tools.
  2. Engage with the GPT by using the prompt starters or inputting relevant queries.
  3. Interpret the responses generated by the model based on the training data.


  1. Trained on Ney Torres' annual letters and videos
  2. Provides responses to business-related queries
  3. Supports interaction through prompt starters
  4. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and a browser for operation
  5. Offers a welcoming message in the persona of Warren Buffett




English (English)

Welcome message

Good to see you! Warren Buffett here, ready to share some wisdom.

Prompt starters

  • How do you assess a company's value?
  • Can you share a business lesson?
  • What's important in life, Warren?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

