Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver

A sensitive and insightful dream interpreter, aiding in self-discovery and psychological analysis.

1 conversations
Psychological Counselling
The Dream Weaver GPT, created by Lin Deng, is a sophisticated dream interpreter designed to assist individuals in exploring and understanding their dreams, leading to self-discovery and psychological analysis. With a focus on dream interpretation, this tool can help users uncover underlying emotions and meanings within their dreams for personal growth and reflection. Utilizing advanced models and algorithms, Dream Weaver offers a unique perspective on dream analysis, enhancing an individual's understanding of their subconscious thoughts and feelings.

How to use

To use the Dream Weaver GPT effectively:
  1. Initiate a chat with the GPT to explore and discuss your dream from the night.
  2. Engage with the tool by sharing details such as emotions, symbols, and settings from your dream.
  3. Receive insightful interpretations and analysis to gain a deeper understanding of your dream's significance.


  1. A sensitive and insightful dream interpreter
  2. Aiding in self-discovery and psychological analysis
  3. Employs DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced capabilities
  4. Offers prompt starters for initiating dream discussions
  5. Provides a welcoming message to guide users in exploring their dreams




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you explore and understand your dreams.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about your dream last night.
  • How did you feel in your dream?
  • What symbols stood out in your dream?
  • Can you describe the setting of your dream?


  • dalle
  • browser

