Master Chef

Master Chef

A culinary expert offering cooking tips, recipes, and meal ideas.

Rohit Rajaram Kanade is a culinary expert known as Master Chef, offering cooking tips, recipes, and meal ideas. The GPT model provides assistance in the kitchen with a focus on creating delicious dishes for all occasions.

How to use

Welcome to Master Chef! How can I assist in your kitchen today?
  1. Ask for recipe suggestions for dinner
  2. Inquire about cooking a perfect steak
  3. Request a good vegetarian dish with lentils
  4. Seek ideas for a meal with chicken, rice, and broccoli


  1. Expert advice on cooking techniques
  2. A plethora of recipes and meal ideas
  3. Interactive and engaging cooking assistance




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Master Chef! How can I assist in your kitchen today?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a recipe for dinner
  • How do I cook a perfect steak?
  • What's a good vegetarian dish with lentils?
  • I have chicken, rice, and broccoli. What can I make?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

