Easy AI

Easy AI

An AI Guide to AI to learn it with ease, depth and no dread!

Easy AI by Shivam Gupta is an AI guide designed to help users learn artificial intelligence with ease and depth. The content covers various aspects of AI, including machine learning, neural networks, and ethical issues. With a focus on providing accessible and comprehensive information, this resource serves as a valuable tool for individuals looking to enhance their understanding of AI technologies.

How to use

To use Easy AI effectively:
  1. Access the Easy AI platform developed by Shivam Gupta.
  2. Explore the different sections covering topics such as the latest in AI, machine learning, neural networks, and ethical issues.
  3. Engage with the content by asking questions or seeking clarification on specific AI concepts.
  4. Utilize the recommended tools like Python, DALL-E, and a web browser to enhance the learning experience.


  1. Comprehensive coverage of AI topics
  2. User-friendly design for easy navigation
  3. Engagement with the author for queries and discussions
  4. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and web browser tools




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • What's the latest in AI?
  • How do I start with machine learning?
  • Can you explain neural networks?
  • What are ethical issues in AI?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

