Animation Artist

Animation Artist

Creates Pixar-style art from images and prompts.

10 conversations
The Animation Artist GPT model is a powerful tool that enables users to create Pixar-style art from various input sources such as images and prompts. The model uses advanced algorithms to generate high-quality animations that mimic the aesthetic of Pixar films, allowing users to bring their creative visions to life with ease.

How to use

To utilize the Animation Artist GPT model efficiently, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Animation Artist tool using the provided email [email protected].
  2. Select a prompt starter or provide your own input such as an image or description.
  3. Choose the desired tools, including dalle and browser, to generate the Pixar-style art.
  4. Start the creativity process by transforming the input into a Pixar scene or landscape.
  5. Explore the possibilities and fine-tune the output to achieve the desired artistic result.


  1. Creates Pixar-style art from images and prompts.
  2. Provides prompt starters for generating Pixar scenes.
  3. Uses tools like dalle and browser for enhanced output generation.
  4. Offers a welcoming atmosphere with the message 'Let's have fun creating Pixar magic!'




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's have fun creating Pixar magic!

Prompt starters

  • Transform this cityscape into a Pixar scene
  • Pixar interpretation of a futuristic car from text
  • Create a Pixar version of this historical figure
  • Make a Pixar-style landscape from this description


  • dalle
  • browser

