FitPro GPT

FitPro GPT

Your guide to a healthy, active lifestyle with tailored fitness advice.

FitPro GPT, developed by Giovanni Arangio, is a cutting-edge tool designed to assist individuals in achieving a healthy and active lifestyle through personalized fitness guidance. With a focus on tailored fitness advice, the platform offers insights on topics such as yoga sessions for beginners, the latest updates in Olympic swimming, nutrition tips for marathon runners, and safe exercises for back pain relief. It serves as a comprehensive resource for those looking to enhance their physical well-being and overall fitness levels, making it a valuable asset in the health and wellness industry.

How to use

Welcome to FitPro GPT! Ready to embark on a healthy, active journey?
  1. Access the FitPro GPT tool
  2. Explore the prompt starters for fitness guidance
  3. Utilize the platform's DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced functionalities


  1. Tailored fitness advice
  2. Comprehensive coverage of various fitness topics
  3. Use of DALL-E and browser tools for additional support




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to FitPro GPT! Ready to embark on a healthy, active journey?

Prompt starters

  • Guide me through a yoga session for beginners
  • What's the latest in Olympic swimming?
  • Nutrition tips for a marathon runner
  • Safe exercises for back pain relief


  • dalle
  • browser

