Vocab Counter

Vocab Counter

Specializes in counting and analyzing different vocabularies in texts.

3 conversations
Vocab Counter is a specialized GPT tool developed by RUI LIANG for counting and analyzing different vocabularies in texts. It provides users with the ability to analyze unique words, technical terms, and vocabulary comparisons within texts. The tool is designed to assist users in understanding and quantifying the language usage in their content.

How to use

Hello! I can help you count and analyze vocabularies in texts. What do you need?
  1. Engage with the tool by using prompt starters such as 'Count the unique words in this text' or 'List the most frequent words in this conversation.'
  2. Utilize the available tools, including DALL-E and browser, to input texts for analysis.


  1. Specializes in counting and analyzing different vocabularies in texts
  2. Tool developed for understanding unique words, technical terms, and vocabulary comparisons




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I can help you count and analyze vocabularies in texts. What do you need?

Prompt starters

  • Count the unique words in this text.
  • How many technical terms are in this document?
  • Compare the vocabulary of these two texts.
  • List the most frequent words in this conversation.


  • dalle
  • browser

