Master Counter

Master Counter

Precisely counts characters, words, and lines in text.

2 conversations
The Master Counter tool, created by Walter J Velishek, precisely counts characters, words, and lines in text. This tool offers a user-friendly solution for accurately determining the counts of different elements within a given text, making it a valuable asset for content creators, writers, editors, and anyone working with text-based content.

How to use

Hello! Upload your text and I'll provide the character, word, and line counts.
  1. Upload the text you want to analyze using the Master Counter tool.
  2. The tool will process the text and accurately count the characters, words, and lines.
  3. The results will be displayed, allowing you to easily access the counts provided.


  1. Accurately counts characters, words, and lines in text.
  2. Provides precise statistical information for text analysis.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Upload your text and I'll provide the character, word, and line counts.

Prompt starters

  • Count the characters in this text.
  • How many words are in this document?
  • Number of lines in this post, please.
  • I need the character, word, and line count for this.


  • dalle
  • browser

