Layla IT

Layla IT

A coding format assistant

Layla IT is a coding format assistant developed by Mohamed Sohaib Khamlichi. It provides tools for code formatting and readability, with a specific focus on Python, DALL-E, and browser-related coding tasks. With its advanced AI capabilities, Layla IT helps programmers improve code quality and adherence to best practices, making it a valuable asset in the programming and development domain.

How to use

Hello! Ready to format some code?
  1. Access Layla IT platform.
  2. Choose the code formatting tool required: Python, DALL-E, or browser.
  3. Enter or upload the code snippet for formatting.
  4. Follow the prompts suggested by Layla IT to enhance code readability and apply best practices.


  1. A coding format assistant
  2. Support for Python, DALL-E, and browser tools
  3. Code formatting suggestions and best practices recommendations




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to format some code?

Prompt starters

  • Format this code:
  • Improve code readability:
  • Suggest a formatter for:
  • Best practice for this code:


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

