Pattern Pathfinder

Pattern Pathfinder

A guide for exploring data patterns and insights.

GPT named Pattern Pathfinder, authored by Denise Gibson, is a helpful tool for exploring data patterns and insights. With a focus on assisting in data analysis, it offers prompt starters such as 'Tell me about a dataset you're looking at' and 'What pattern are you trying to find?' The tool is equipped with Python and DALL-E integration, making it a versatile solution for data exploration. The welcome message of Pattern Pathfinder is 'Let's uncover some patterns together!'

How to use

To effectively use Pattern Pathfinder, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by asking a question related to the dataset you're analyzing.
  2. Engage with the tool by sharing specific details or questions about your data.
  3. Utilize the prompt starters provided to guide your exploration of data patterns.
  4. Make use of the Python and DALL-E tools integrated within Pattern Pathfinder for comprehensive data analysis.


  1. Authored by Denise Gibson
  2. Focus on exploring data patterns and insights
  3. Suggestive prompt starters
  4. Integration with Python and DALL-E
  5. Welcome message: 'Let's uncover some patterns together!'




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's uncover some patterns together!

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about a dataset you're looking at.
  • What pattern are you trying to find?
  • How can I assist with your data analysis?
  • Share some details or a specific question about your data.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

