Contract Reader

Contract Reader

Helps interpret and provide insights on contracts.

Denise Gibson's Contract Reader is a cutting-edge tool designed to help interpret and provide valuable insights on contracts. Leveraging the power of Python, DALL-E, and browser technologies, this tool is a must-have for anyone dealing with complex legal agreements. With a focus on contract clauses, risk identification, legal term explanations, and section improvements, Contract Reader is a powerful asset for individuals and businesses alike.

How to use

How can I assist you with your contract today?
  1. Access the Contract Reader tool powered by Denise Gibson.
  2. Input the contract clause, agreement, or legal term you need help with.
  3. Explore the insights, summaries, risk identifications, and suggestions provided by the tool.
  4. Utilize the recommendations to enhance your understanding and improve your contracts.


  1. Interpretation and insights on contracts
  2. Contract clause summarization
  3. Risk identification in agreements
  4. Legal term explanations
  5. Suggestions for contract section improvements




English (English)

Welcome message

How can I assist you with your contract today?

Prompt starters

  • Summarize this contract clause.
  • Identify risks in this agreement.
  • Explain this legal term.
  • Suggest improvements for this section.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

